Lessons Learned

What Are You Doing Now

A few months ago I began to notice when someone asked, “What are you doing now?” it caused an uneasy feeling inside because I didn’t have a nice stellar answer to give.

My reaction to the question left me pondering, “why does it bother me when people ask about my vocation?” Honest answer….I’d let my title become my identity.  I’d become wrapped up in being more concerned about my “do” than my “who.”

I found myself on my knees asking this question of my Heavenly Father. He graciously reminded me of my “early” days walking in the newness of His love and truth.  Over and over I found myself earnestly praying;

“Lord, You are the Potter and I am the clay. Mold me and use me like a tool in the hand of the Master”

Be careful what you pray for right? Right!

Over this past year of “unemployment” He’s called me back to that simple prayer. A place where my heart is full of childlike faith, ready and available to serve in whatever ways He calls from my basic day to day unfilled schedule to a mission trip to Uganda!

Map of Uganda

That’s right, in exactly one month I’ll be on my way to Uganda, Africa.

Many of you know my testimony of healing and deliverance from hopelessness due to abuse and brokenness in my childhood. My heart’s burden is to share the hope of Jesus Christ that lies within me with those who are feeling hopeless.

I recently learned about an incredible opportunity to serve orphans, widows, and single mothers in Uganda, Africa. This opportunity is part of the first WoMan up and Go mission team, a ministry of Man Up And Go.

Most of the women we will be serving are poor, have several children, and have been abused as children themselves and now abandoned by their husbands.

**I hope to blog while I am in Uganda from July 12-24th and covet your prayers! Please consider sharing my blog with others.

I am excited to see what God has in store for me personally. I am also excited to see how God uses our team to spread the message of hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Click Here   to view a powerful video of the work being done!

We will be purchasing Bibles in the Luganda language, flour, sugar and other grains once we are in country to take to the cities we minister in. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation for these items please click  Donate


6 thoughts on “What Are You Doing Now”

  1. You amaze me, I am so proud of you …no matter what you are doing or not doing for you always give glory to God. I would like to donate, but have to wait until next month. Love you girl, you set a standard for all of us.


  2. You are a big inspiration to me , I really wish we lived closer , I have called you many times to ( cry ) on your shoulder. And you always make me feel so much better about things. Love you. My sister ( in law)


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