Lessons Learned

What’s Your Word for 2018

pexels-photo-695571.jpegHave you heard the New Year buzz? “What’s your word to focus on?”

It’s like the replacement for resolutions. Instead of making a bunch of specific goals you simply pick a word or phrase that you want to focus on developing in your life over the next year.

I’ve been doing this for many years and have found real value in it.

This year’s word actually came before the new year began. I was so excited, until I realized what the word is…..

One morning I woke up earlier than usual and found myself thinking about my life. At first it was a real downer. I’m prone to think of all the negatives, and beat myself up for not being more of this or less of that.

Then by the grace of God my thoughts turned toward looking for the common theme in my regrets.

The common theme was discipline. I’m lacking discipline in many areas of my life which causes me to feel undone, lost and floundering.

I’ve blogged before about how having a sense of purpose and direction are important to me; it’s part of my make up, I actually feel most comfortable and safe when I have structure and discipline in my life. It’s almost like I crave it.

What? Crave discipline? Who does that?

My 2018 word, drum roll please…..Discipline. I did not find myself jumping for joy. The word discipline does not conjure up excitement or warm fuzzies! It’s a love hate relationship. When I hear the word discipline, I dislike it, but yet I crave it.

When life is chaotic — things seem out-of-order, I’ve double booked the calendar, the house is a mess, the scale is going up, I’m pushing boundaries, my thoughts are becoming toxic and I speak without thinking — I crave discipline! It becomes glaringly obvious that I need it in my life for my own good.

Hebrews 12:11 says “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

We crave discipline because it’s good and brings peace.

I don’t wake up excited to clean my house or do the laundry, but I sure enjoy seeing the results of order and clutter-free areas and fresh clean clothing each day.

I don’t want to exercise or take my hand out of the cookie jar or chip bag, or push away from the second helping, but I sure like the results of feeling healthier, having more energy, physical stamina and avoiding the bloat and misery of overeating.

If I’m brutally honest with myself, I’d rather pick up my phone and scroll through social media, letting my mind aimlessly wander into dangerous places of comparison, ungratefulness, and envy. All the while knowing picking up my Bible and digging into the scriptures produces truth and freedom in my innermost being.

Why? Why would I rather do what I know is not good than to do what is good?

It’s human nature. Since the beginning of time when sin entered our world we would rather do what we’re not supposed to do than to do what is good for us. Paul talks about this in Romans 7. Those things I should do I don’t and the things I shouldn’t do I do.  There’s a lot of do do going on here!

It takes discipline which is typically thought of as the external rules or plans we must follow to obtain a certain outcome. Actually this discipline Hebrews 12:11 talks about takes place through a training.

True Discipline is a heart condition from the inside out.


It’s begins with admitting I don’t know all that I think I know. Acknowledging I can’t do anything in and of my own strength, that I am not my own.

True discipline is about turning from myself and focusing on the Master Trainer to teach me from the inside out. Hebrews 12:2 says we are to set your eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfecter (finisher) of faith.

A couple years ago my “word” focus was on Matthew 11:28-30. It’s the famous passage used for those who feel burdened or overwhelmed. In this passage Jesus says if you feel weary or burdened come to Him and He will give rest. But then he says an interesting thing, “Take My yoke upon you and LEARN from Me.”

Jesus is the Master Trainer.

Focusing on anything other than the Trainer is self-focused and will bring us short of the ultimate result.

Read that again and let it sink in a bit deeper. I’ve read it over and over and see a fine line for where we are to place our focus.

If our focus is on the training we only see the difficult road ahead. Some will be tempted to never walk the road while others like me will be tempted to make “my” plan for how I will run on that road and start out full force ahead which only lasts so long by the way.

If we focus only on the results, we may lose sight of the lessons to be learned along the way, the lessons that bring about discipline and character development.

Focusing on anything other than the Trainer often leaves us feeling frustrated or defeated because things are not going the way we expected and we’re not getting the result we wanted.

I wonder if this is rubbing you the wrong way too? I want to sit down; ok, I really want to kick and scream and argue this out.  It makes no sense to my own understanding. It all seems so counter-cultural and out of my normal inclination.

It’s actually just where I need to be….at the end of myself.

At the end of trying to figure things out and ready to allow myself to be yoked, joined to Him, the Master Trainer and to follow His lead.

Honestly it doesn’t make me excited and eager to walk this road because I know there is going to be some blood, sweat and tears along the way as I continually deny myself and yield to His ways.

But you know the Lord is gracious.  Remember true discipline comes from the inside out. He’s already ahead of me.

He’s not asking me to “do” walk this road to discipline on my own. No! He’s reminding me Christ lives in me and therefore I can do this thing…this discipline set before me because He will work it from the inside out.

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Galatians 2:20

In reality, I’m not going to wake up tomorrow fully disciplined. I will have to resist making “my” plans for how to become more disciplined.

What I can do is show up each day for training empty of self and willing to learn!

I’ll show up by diving into His presence more through prayer and reading His Word.

I’ll show up by pay attention to His leading and ask Him to teach me His ways.

Basically I’m going to show up….sit still….and listen! 

Seems so foolish to think that discipline begins with sitting. Yet have you ever tried to sit and listen for extended time in your prayer time? Those sitting times have produced the most change in my life because I’ve surrendered to the Master Trainer and His ways!

Now I’m excited to embrace discipline as my 2018 word! It’s not a warm fuzzy excitement; it’s more of an anticipatory excitement knowing that the Master Trainer wants my full attention to reveal how true discipline brings about righteousness and peace for those who are trained by it. (Hebrews 12:11)

Do you have a word or phrase to focus on in 2018? Would you share with us in the comments? Let’s continue to take this journey of life together encouraging and praying for one another! 

Happy New Year!

18 thoughts on “What’s Your Word for 2018”

  1. Reading this about you having chaos in your life. Well to start , we all do. But when I see it with you. It’s because you are trying to do a thousand things at once. And you are not happy until it’s under control. Which is where I see you wanting. Nd needing the discipline, but it’s not because you are wrong about things. It’s because your brain is constantly doing things. Snd you want it all done now. This is one of the things we live about you. Because you will get control and get it done . It’s onr of the things I admire about you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m praying that I can let go of the “control” and trust God more to control the chaos in my life! 😉 When I do things under His power there sure is alot more peace!


  2. Thanks for your thoughts on discipline. I too desire discipline. I have been choosing a “word” for each year for this my sixth year. I love this exercise because it causes me to stop and think about my life. My word for 2018 is “FOCUS”. I have a tendency to be all over the place and have unfinished things all around me and I grow weary of this. When I am thinking clearly, I realize that my strength comes from God and the things that I am able to complete are because of the strength that God gives me. Have a great 2018.


  3. Thank you for sharing from your heart, Tina. This call to discipline is definitely something I need, but the reminder that we just need to show up for the training, then allow God to discipline us is so important. I cannot do it on my own strength, I just have to be willing and moldable.
    My “word” for this year seems to be “intentional”. I have been struggling with knowing whether I am fulfilling God’s true purpose for my life – or if I am just reacting to circumstances. I want to be intentional in making every opportunity count, whether by responding to a cashier in the grocery store, investing in the life of a young mother, creating days of joy for an elderly person, or being a godly wife and mother. Of course, that does requires discipline – which does not come easy for me.
    Love you and miss you, sister, and hope that we can be “intentional” about getting together sometime soon!


  4. Well Tina, I have been all around this entry not wanting to read it. There was a very good reason. It is because this word discipline hit me head on. It is easier to complain about what I can’t do than it is to do what I can do. After reading this, I realize I will be sharing your word this year. I have been showing up for training but I may not have been listening. My training will look different tomorrow. Thanks for sharing. Love you, Joyce W

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Tina! My word for 2018 is BOLD. I want to be bold for the Lord and live a Christ-centered life not a me-centered life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great year!

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  6. Tina, my dear friend! You took the thoughts and intentions right out of my heart, head and mouth. I have come to love the Lord’s discipline. As I spend intimate time with Him, he builds discipline in me in every area of my life. Even though this time with Him accelerates my learning process, I often feel like it is not coming fast enough. The term “intentional” comes into play and I find my resting place. It is so amazing how he comforts me into His rest. I am excited to see where we are going this year. “Hang on to your hat!” He says. We have both heard that before!!! He is so so precious!

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  7. My word for this year is LOVE. As in God’s perfect love. To see others how God sees them and respond to them in a way Jesus would. Still working thru it all… but that’s what I got so far 🙂


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